A downloadable game

Our submission for Jame Gam #40!

You play as Puppy, an abandoned plush toy sent where all toys go to die: The Land of Misfit Toys. Gifted with life anew by a strange magical needle that restores you to life, you set out on a quest to defeat bosses and obtain parts of a beating build a bear heart so that you might return to the world of the living for another chance at being loved.

The original idea was that after each boss you would take the needle and tear off a part of the boss's corpse and then sew it on to yourself, gaining their power. We ran into some dev hiccups (this is our first game!) And so we had to leave some really cool stuff out to fit into the 5 day timeline. Still, we learned a lot and had fun! Wish we had gotten the opportunity to implement all the cool stuff we wanted to, but it was an awesome experience altogether. After the Jam we will probably put out a better build with more polish! Still missing music, main menu, and sound effects as of the Jam build.


Reap What You Sew Unfinished.zip 26 MB

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